Refund Policy

Refund Policy

At Swaigee, we are committed to providing high-quality products and exceptional customer service. You can request a refund within 2 days of receiving your order. Please read our refund policy carefully to understand the terms and conditions regarding refunds.

Orders Not Received

Swaigee will not process refunds or resends if the tracking information shows the order is delivered. a. If your clients do not receive the package, a non-delivery certification issued by the local post office with an official seal is necessary. b. Tracking Information Alert: If the tracking information shows "Alert," the reasons may include: a) Incorrect/insufficient address. b) No such number. c) Unknown recipient. d) Refused. e) Did not pick up in time. f) No safe delivery location. g) Uncleared customs. h) Other reasons. Notes: a. The local distributor will attempt delivery 1-3 times depending on the situation. If the package remains unclaimed during this period, it will be returned to the local post office for storage for 3-7 days. Clients need to pick up the package themselves; otherwise, it will be returned to the sender (our logistics company). Swaigee takes no responsibility if products are lost during the return. b. If the logistics company provides a return service to China, Swaigee will place the products in your private inventory and will not refund them when we receive the returned items. c. Swaigee cannot offer a refund or resend if you do not process undelivered orders or if packages are destroyed by logistics companies.

Products Damaged

Swaigee offers a full refund or a replacement if packages arrive badly damaged. Swaigee offers a partial refund or a replacement if packages arrive partially damaged (excluding minor issues like thread, slight wrinkles, small scratches, etc.). Notes: a. For fragile products, a refund is highly recommended. b. For damaged packing boxes, Swaigee cannot offer refunds or other after-sale services due to long-distance international delivery. c. For ordinary electronic products, clients must complain or open a dispute within 30 days after packages are delivered. d. For service products, Swaigee refunds the cost of the product at the price in the Chinese market if you have Swaigee's quality inspection service. Otherwise, Swaigee will not take responsibility for them.

Incorrect or Missing Products

Swaigee has a strict quality control process before products are dispatched. We will handle incorrect or missing products as follows: a. For incorrect products, Swaigee offers a full refund or replacement. b. For products with incorrect color or size that do not affect product function, Swaigee offers a refund or resend if you provide a screenshot of your client's complaint, including name, content, and date. c. For missing parts that do not affect product function, Swaigee may provide a partial refund or resend the missing part; for missing parts that affect product function, Swaigee will resend the product only. d. For accessories, Swaigee will resend the accessories. Notes: For size issues, Swaigee appreciates it if you measure the product according to the correct method and provide us with a photo of the measurement. Our dispute team will handle your disputes quickly.

Shipping Method

We use reliable courier services to ensure your products reach you in good condition and within the stipulated time frame.

Order Cancellation

For order cancellations, Swaigee offers a full refund before products are processed by warehouses. a. After payment, preorder inventory orders cannot be canceled as they are special products available only for you.

Force Majeure

Swaigee takes no responsibility for any product damaged or shipping delay caused by an act of God, including but not limited to: epidemic situation, international situation, strike, war, earthquake, flood, virus, storm, heavy snow, customs inspection. However, Swaigee will notify you via Email.

Shipping Method Limits

Some shipping methods are not trackable when orders arrive at certain countries, states, or cities.

Destination Limits

Due to limited international transportation, Swaigee will not accept any disputes when your orders are shipped to the following countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Andorra, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Greenland, Canary Islands, Iceland, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican, Bahrain, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Antigua, Anguilla, Albania, Armenia, Angola, Argentina, American Samoa, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Barbados, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Benin, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bahamas, Bhutan, Botswana, Belize, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Cook Islands, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Cape Verde, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Algeria, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji Islands, Falkland Islands, Micronesia, Faroe Islands, Gabon, Grenada, Georgia, French Guiana, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, Guadeloupe, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Guam, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Kiribati, Comoros, Saint Kitts, Cayman Islands, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Sri Lanka, Liberia, Lesotho, Libya, Morocco, Moldova, Montenegro, Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Republic of North Macedonia, Mali, Myanmar, Mongolia, Saipan, Martinique, Mauritania, Montserrat, Mauritius, Maldives, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, New Caledonia, Niger, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Nepal, Nauru, Niue, Oman, Panama, Peru, Tahiti, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Palau, Paraguay, Qatar, Réunion, Romania, Serbia, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, Seychelles, St. Helena, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Somalia, Suriname, El Salvador, Eswatini, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Togo, Tajikistan, Timor Leste, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Saint Vincent Island, British Virgin Islands, United States Virgin Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa, Bernel, Curacao, Saint Eustacius, Saint Martin, Nevis, Somaliland, Saint Bafulimi, Yemen, Mayotte Island, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about your order, please contact our customer service team at We are here to help you. Thank you for shopping with Swaigee. We appreciate your business and are committed to delivering your orders promptly and efficiently